Traditional Pre k-11 /Senior/College Photo Packages



No Session Fees and Unlimited looks

All packages include file for yearbook photo. Retouching of photos is not included, and is available on request for an additional charge.

Package A - $200


- 60 min. session unlimited looks

- Onsite or in studio.

- Basic editing included (lighting adjustments only) add $10 per image for blemish removal

- Pick 3 images at High resolution to download and print at your leisure with limited copyright release.

- Downloadable link of all photos for sharing only (web images). 1 week turnaround

- Additional print ordering available through site at cost

- File for yearbook photo


Package B - $270


- 90 min. session unlimited looks

- Onsite or in studio.

- Basic editing included (lighting adjustments only) add $10 per image for blemish removal

- (2) 8x10 (2) 5x7 (16) Wallets (Sent through mail) Pick 3 photos

- Additional print ordering available through site at cost and sent straight to you from photo lab

-Downloadable link of all photos for sharing only  (web images). 1 week turnaround

- Pick 3 images at High resolution to download and print at your leisure with limited copyright release.

- File for yearbook photo


Package C - $330


- 120 min. session unlimited looks

- Onsite or in studio.

- Basic editing included (lighting adjustments only) add $10 per image for blemish removal

- (3) 8x10 (3) 5x7 (16) Wallets (Sent through mail) Pick 4 photos

- Additional print ordering available through site at cost and sent straight to you from photo lab

-Downloadable link of all photos for sharing only (web images). 1 week turnaround

- Pick 4 images at High resolution to download and print at your leisure with limited copyright release.

- File for yearbook photo


Package D - $530


- 200 min. session unlimited looks

- Onsite or in studio.

- Basic editing included (lighting adjustments only) add $10 per image for blemish removal

- (4) 8x10 (4) 5x7 (24) Wallets (Sent through mail) Pick Any Mix and Match

- Additional print ordering available through site at cost and sent straight to you from photo lab

- Downloadable link for sharing only (web images). 1 week turnaround

- Downloadable link of all pictures for printing (Full Resolution) with a limited copyright release

- File for yearbook photo



Ala Carte:

Package A $100




Package B $60




Package C $40




Individual Prints:

8 wallets $10

5x7 $10

8x10 $20

11x14 $40

16x20 $80


Click here to schedule your portrait session

*You will need to provide the specifications for your yearbook photo/file.

Please note a deposit off $50 is due at time of booking.

Payment in full is due at the time the photos are taken

7.25% sales tax will be added to all prices

All prices and print sizes are subject to change without notice prior to deposit.